Independent Travel Agent who offers superb customer service, brilliant prices and I will never undersell you or overcharge for our products. I am based in The Moor Market, Sheffield but I have customers that come from all over the UK, priding myself on recommendations and referrals from my repeat customers
I worked ten years as a flight attendant and decided it was time for a change. Seven years ago I started my own travel agency. Like many small businesses, the pandemic hit us hard. With no one allowed to go anywhere, holidays became something of a memory. This really pushed me to pursue this as a full time career and opened my store in The Moor Market, in July 2023
I guarantee a personalized holiday experience, tailored to your every want and need. I offer high quality holidays, whilst also finding the very best deal for you!
I have the ability to tailor make my own packages using my ATOL or use suppliers that are/or ABTA/ATOL.
I am also a member of the Travel Trust Association (TTA), so 100% Financial Protection for my customers
You can contact us via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Phone or Email
MS24, 77 The Moor, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom